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Once in a while I find an Android app on the play store that I really think is cool. As an Android developer, I often analyze the technical aspects of the app I'm interested in. It might be just the way the UI works or some specific use of sensors and graphics rendering. I often also would like to...

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Recently I've created the following online tool

Online APK Analyzer

The tool can be used to dissect Android APK files and extract various information stored in AndroidManifest.xml and other important files. Most of its logic was written in C/C++ and compiled into WebAssembly.

I sometimes fin...

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Android offers multiple ways to transfer apps and data between phones. The usual way of transferring apps from your old device to a new one is by using the Tap & Go feature.

In addition to Tap & Go, Android also allows you to copy apps and data using ADB. If you just want to copy one specific AP...

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Android apps are installed from the .apk file which contains the code, resources and other stuff. Android api can provide some additional information related to app installation. I used these methods in my recently published app - Power Apk.

PackageManager is the class that can be used to retri...

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